Matthew 6:21-“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also,”
What we spend money on tells us what we value. We spend money on our hobbies. the things that decorate our home, on enjoyable weekends, on the bills we need to continue to live comfortable lives.
Money is the oil that keeps life moving. It unlocks fun and opportunity, its the universal trading mechanism. Money is important. And money is something you will never have enough of.
What we spend money on tells us what we value. We spend money on our hobbies. the things that decorate our home, on enjoyable weekends, on the bills we need to continue to live comfortable lives.
Money is the oil that keeps life moving. It unlocks fun and opportunity, its the universal trading mechanism. Money is important. And money is something you will never have enough of.
Whether you have an hourly or salary wage, the time you spend on work still matters. You have a finite number of hours that you can work in a day, and you trade that free time for money. Money that you spend to continue to live, and maybe to have a little fun while you're living.
In short, money is needed to live. A LOT of money is needed to live. Around 80% of household income is spent on bills and living expenses. Most Americans work 40 hour weeks. Which means if you are like most people on the planet, you're working 32 hours a week to pay your bills. The last 8 hours that you work is for you to spend money on you. Its for your hobbies, your downtime. Your interests. You. It can be spent on anything you want. And this might sound harsh, but you're going to spend it on the things that are most important to you.
When you spend money on something, not only are you assigning extrinsic value to it (what its worth, in dollars) you're creating intrinsic value as well. The item becomes the product of the hard labor you put in to afford that item. It becomes a product of your sweat, of your time, of your being. You create an emotional attachment for it. You become a fan of it.
Tribes that align themselves with particular products or brands exist everywhere. There is PlayStation vs. Xbox, Apple vs. Android, Ford vs Chevy, Coke vs. Pepsi, and so on. When you spend money on something, you create internal values for it. You create a love for it.
When you love something, you think about it. It consumes your thoughts. It drives you, compels you.
Where your treasure is, that's where your heart is.
When you spend money on someone you love, you strengthen YOUR love for them. You reaffirm your commitment to them, you lift them above your hobbies, interests and your own personal desires. You elevate them even above yourself, because the money that you would have spent on yourself is now being spent on something entirely outside of yourself.
When you spend money on someone you love, you take the love that you had for them and elevate its importance. It creates in you a desire for them.
Spending money on your spouse is important. Not just in the sense that it makes them feel special. Because if often can, but because it makes them special to you. When two people spend money on each other, they're investing in each other's lives. That makes meaningful gift giving really important.
Its important for both partners to spend money on each other. I think its often assumed that the breadwinner in the relationship is the only one that is expected to spend money on dates and gifts. But if both partners make regular significant investment in one another, they help their chances of a longer and brighter future.